Android Markez 1

Android represent software subset for ponsel covering operating system, key application and middleware which in release by Google.

Android Markez 2

Android represent software subset for ponsel covering operating system, key application and middleware which in release by Google.

Android Markez 3

Android represent software subset for ponsel covering operating system, key application and middleware which in release by Google.

Android Markez 4

Android represent software subset for ponsel covering operating system, key application and middleware which in release by Google.

Android Markez 5

Android represent software subset for ponsel covering operating system, key application and middleware which in release by Google.

Comodo Anti Virus v1.2.18314.4


PonorogoDroid - 

Nama antivirus: Comodo Anti Virus v1.2.18314.4

Kapasitas file: 1.6MB

Kompatibel: OS Android

Antivirus, privacy protector, call-blocker and anti-theft in a single app
COMODO Mobile Security provides real-time protection against known and emerging threats on your mobile device while helping to protect your privacy and keep your system optimized.
CMS combines a mobile-optimized antivirus scanning engine with a mobile security manager to safeguard against viruses, unsafe apps and potentially risky settings. You can filter out annoying calls and text messages by configuring white and black contact lists or simply block messages by certain keywords. CMS also gives you "Private Space" - private calls, text messages and contacts that are for your eyes only.
"Always on" virus protection and an on-demand scanner help keep your device clear of viruses and unsafe apps. One touch scans and scheduled scans are provided as well as a system “Health Check” feature that quickly identifies viruses, unsafe apps and potentially risky settings.
Software and Process Manager
CMS gives you full visibility and control over running processes. You can see how many are running, how much memory each uses and can quickly close down the ones you don’t want. Software Manager helps you uninstall or kill apps which may be slowing down your phone down.
SMS and Call Blocking
Instantly filter out annoying SMS messages and phone calls by configuring black/white contact lists. Alternatively, simply block all text messages containing certain keywords.
Privacy Protection
Your Private Space is where you store contacts, phone numbers and text messages that are for your eyes only. Once added, only you will be able to view those communications. In addition, App Protector enables you to lock your apps from being accessed by unauthorized users.
Anti-theft Protection
Recover your device easily if it is mislaid, lost or stolen. Make the device sound an alarm, to identify it if you have just misplaced it. The anti-theft feature enables you to get the location of your device even if its SIM card is changed. You can also lock the device to prevent mis-handling and wipe off all your confidential data including SMSes, Contacts, Browser Bookmarks, even the pictures, music/video and other files stored in its memory card - all done remotely, just by sending commands as SMS messages from your buddy's phone.

Cara Install Flash 11 di GALAXY MINI dan YOUNG


PonorogoDroid - Pagi Agan - Agan ini saya mau update cara install flash 11 buat galaxy mini, kara banyak yang Tanya dan bilang gak bisa keinstall di galaxy mininya, maaf sebelumnya saya udah install hamper 30 kali tdengan cara yang saa tapi gak pernah ada eror atau gagal kok. sebelumnya agan harus pastikan kalo galaxy  mini agan sudah Gingerbread 2.3.3 atau 2.3.4 ke atas, dan sudah di root galminnya.
langkah2nya adalah sebagai berikut :

Untuk Mini download di URL berikut:

Untuk Young download di URL berikut:

Untuk ACE download di URL berikut:

Untuk FIT dowload di URL berikut:

pindahkan yang kita download tadi ke memori external, dan pastikan namanya adalah jika belum rename lah file tersebut.
masuk ke recovery mode dengan menekan tombol power dan home secara bersamaan hingga ponsel restart dan masuk ke recovery mode.
gunakan tombol volume untuk scroll keatas atau ke bawah dan tombol home untuk memilih. lalu pilih menu “apply update from sd card” pilih file update yg tadi telah kita pidahkan.
setelah selesai kembali ke menu sebelumnya dan pilih “reboot now”.
setelah di reboot jika di android agan sudah ada gambar tengkorak maka android anda sudah berhasil di ROOT.

Download rootexplore di sini:

download flash player 11 dari alamat berikut:

extrack file zip yang berisi file apk dan folder lib flash player, hasilnya akan seperti ini.

install file apk flash player seperti biasa. setelah selesai klik “done”.

dengan root explore masuk ke data/data/com.adobe.flashplayer.

Extrack terlebih dahulu.

Copy dulu folder lib di atas kemudian masuk lagi ke data/data/com.adobe.flashplayer hapus folder lib yang ada di sana, paste kan di sana folder lib yang tadi telah kita copy.                                                                    

klik dan tahan untuk ubah permission folder lib, kemudian ubah sesuai gambar.

kemudian masuk folder lib kemudian ubah permissionnya juga, semua file di dalam folder tersebut harus di ubah permissionnya sesuai gambar.

setelah selesai keluar dari rootex kemudian restart ponsel anda.

Jika penginstalannya berhasil maka Hasilnya akan seperti ini:
Saat anda meng klik icon flash di menu akan langsung di hantar kan ke browser bawaan dan masuk ke menu setting adobe flash:

Saat menonton TV via browser bawaan: